Girdling roots are a serious problem. Why do trees form them in the first place, if they are so bad?
Read moreWhat does 'Tree Expert' really mean?
That’s what their name says. However, being an expert in the removal of trees is not the same as being an expert in tree biology.
Read moreThe Underside of Tree Care
Production tree care companies do not have your trees’ best interest in mind. They’re not designed to.
Read moreOn Removing Dead Wood
A technical look at the commonly held notion that removing dead wood improves the health of trees. For science-enthusiasts and arborists.
Read moreThe Customer is not always Right
Overly agreeable tree services are not in your best interest. They’re interested in your money, and that’s it.
Read moreWhy hire a consulting arborist?
This article touches on the benefits of getting an unbiased consultation for your trees instead of a free estimate from a tree service.
Read moreWhat is a Snag?
Do you have a condemned tree to be removed? Consider this ecological alternative that both saves you money, and helps wildlife. Pretty awesome.
Read moreOn Dead Wood
Rethinking what makes a tree beautiful.
Read moreStudent of Arboriculture
Jeremiah reflects on being an arborist.
Read moreKilling Trees in the Urban Forest
This article touches on how our actions as arborists and people who own trees can accidentally condemn a tree without knowing.
Read moreOpen the Canopy
An article about a cool tree job in a forest
Read moreCedar Confusion
What makes a cedar a cedar?
Read moreThe Problem with "Yes" Landscapes
Jeremiah wrote this article back in 2016 for another website about avoidable issues seen in residential landscapes in our area of southeast Michigan. A cheeky take on the lack of foresight and lack of applied science when it comes to designing landscapes.
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